Drugs? Wait what?
Hahah well we went to disney not to long ago.
Went with the In Laws.
Pretty dope!
Almost everything free...except food =[
As we entered Disneylandia!!

Taking my princess to her castle<3

Everytime i try to leave something keeps holding me back(me back) hah

She knows shes gotta be folding clothes sooner or later lol

What was it babe?
Did you see a bug with the same face like mine?

I thought i saw a dollar =[
(check out the kid behind me, he punked me for some apple juice)


She was learning to read.
The babe and I participate in a Slower Learning Adults program where we help the dumb.
Her sister being the only active student there, she was the center of attention that day lol

Babe "Eww sick...Did you fart?"
Me "NO! It must have been the guy behind us in the dodger hat and black tee!!"

Saul Raul Jose and Diana...and the babe in the back with idk what face!

Jam! Rockberry Rockberry Jam!
Saul Raul Jose breaking it down with some Robotic Moves!

E.T Go home!

Evil fucken Princess!!!!
(For those who have seen the pelicula "Hes just not that into you"
This princess resembles the main character"

Are you feeling lucky?
Are you feeling lucky Punk?

Ima fucken sock you Diana ha!


Warping with Syle!!



Bang Bang baby shot me in the Heart with cupids arrow<3

Disney Marriage<3

Drugs? Wait what?
Hahah well we went to disney not to long ago.
Went with the In Laws.
Pretty dope!
Almost everything free...except food =[
As we entered Disneylandia!!
Taking my princess to her castle<3
Everytime i try to leave something keeps holding me back(me back) hah
She knows shes gotta be folding clothes sooner or later lol
What was it babe?
Did you see a bug with the same face like mine?
I thought i saw a dollar =[
(check out the kid behind me, he punked me for some apple juice)
She was learning to read.
The babe and I participate in a Slower Learning Adults program where we help the dumb.
Her sister being the only active student there, she was the center of attention that day lol
Babe "Eww sick...Did you fart?"
Me "NO! It must have been the guy behind us in the dodger hat and black tee!!"
Saul Raul Jose and Diana...and the babe in the back with idk what face!
Jam! Rockberry Rockberry Jam!
Saul Raul Jose breaking it down with some Robotic Moves!
E.T Go home!
Evil fucken Princess!!!!
(For those who have seen the pelicula "Hes just not that into you"
This princess resembles the main character"
Are you feeling lucky?
Are you feeling lucky Punk?
Ima fucken sock you Diana ha!
Warping with Syle!!
Bang Bang baby shot me in the Heart with cupids arrow<3
Disney Marriage<3